Monday, October 5, 2009

Xanax and side effects

Xanax and side effects

Xanax is mostly prescribed to treat anxiety caused by depression and panic disorders.Xanax belongs to a group of drugs called benzodiazepines which work on the chemiclas in the brain that may cause anxiety and depression.Xanax and other benzodiazepines should not be used in pregnancy as they may cause birth defects in an unborn baby.People suffering from respiratory disorders,kidney or liver disease,glaucoma,addiction to drugs or alcohol should let the doctor know about them before taking xanax.

Xanax should be administered in very less doses to the patients having a history of suicidal thoughts and depression.Xanax increases the effect of alcohol when taken along with it.Since,xanax is habit forming,it should only be used by the person it is prescribed for.Medication like xanax should always be stored in a secure place where other cannot reach to it.Though xanax is available in the internet for sale,it is advisable not to purchase xanax through internet as they may be adultrated and contains dangerous ingredients which when consumed have dangerous side effects.Xanax should not prescribed for anyone under the age of 18 years.Xanax also has dangerous side effects when taken in combination with anti-fungal prescriptions like ketoconozyole or sporanox.

While taking xanax in a tablet form,always remember to swallow the tablet whole and allow it to dissolve in your mouth without chewing.Never crush,chew or break an extended-realease tablet because it is specially made to release medicine slowly in the body.Contact the doctor if the prescribed dose of xanax is not working well in subsiding the panic or anxiety symptoms.If xanax is stopped suddenly, the patient may show withdrawal symptoms like:

* Seizures
* Blurred vision
* A loss of appettite
* Diarrhea
* Muscle twitching
* Poor concentration
* Numbness in the limb

To avoid the withdrawal symptoms, the intake of xanax should be stopped eventually by reducing the dosage day by day.Person taking xanax should be very cautious about there regular dosages.In case of forgeting a dose they should not take two doses of it te next day since an overdose of xanax can be fatal leading to coma and death.An overdose of xanax can cause sideeffects such as:

* Drowsiness
* Loss of balance or Co-ordination
* Muscle weakness
* Fainting
* Coma

Side effects of Xanax:

1.Allergic reaction to xanax may be defficulty in breathing,hives,swelling of the face,lips,tongue or throat.
2.Hyper activity,hostility,hallucinations.
3.No urination or very less urination.
5.Jaundice(yellowing of eyes and skin).
6.Muscle twitching.
7.Suicidal thoughts
9.Fearlessness,risk taking behaviour.
10.Loss of appitite
12.Temporary loss of memory(amnesia)
15.Increased sweating.

It is of utmost emergency if the serious prevail in the patient and the doctors medical advise is needed to treat the side effects.Xanax when taken in combination with certain incompatable drugs cause serious side effects.Hence,never take anyother medicine along with xanax with out the prescription of your doctor.

Note:This information about xanax is only for awareness of the drug and its side effects.It is not intended to cover all the information about xanax.If you have questions about the drug check with your doctor or pharmasist.

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Caffeine Addiction And Chronic Fatigue Recovery

In spite of being a constituent in products commonly used for energy, caffeine over-stimulates the adrenal glands, which only causes the illusion of an increase in energy due to increasing the hormone adrenaline. Over time, excessive use of caffeinated substances will cause an adrenal addiction and the glands will produce less adrenaline naturally until they no longer produce at all, which will lead to permanent fatigue since the adrenals are not known to regenerate.

Those addicted to caffeine are on a dangerous downhill slope and need to take decisive action because it will only get harder to recover later. Naturally with everyone having to run around as a ‘human doing’ rather than as a ‘human being’ just to make ends meet in society today, the last thing most people have the energy for is to break a habit.

Breaking habits definitely requires substantially more energy to overcome them than it does to maintain the habit, but almost all of this is mental—a purely mental battle where one generally surrenders to routines rather than muster the strength or courage to break through to a new level. Mental fatigue is becoming more commonplace and it is a huge factor in the overall energy of the body itself, so even thoughts about change that will require more energy can be tiresome for an individual with chronic fatigue syndrome.

The general response to the thought of quitting caffeine is that it is needed for energy, however admittedly dysfunctional that may be, and it would be too difficult to survive the day without it. So, it is actually the crystallized fear of fatigue that encodes the belief that one cannot overcome it or do without it. However, there is a way to overcome fatigue, particularly chronic fatigue while recovering from long-term caffeine addiction.

Effective caffeine elimination should be done gradually if it is to be a smooth transition without putting the body into shock. A common side effect of strict elimination after extended periods of use is headaches from caffeine withdrawal, which is also a clear sign of the addiction in the body. Generally, a gradual period over a month or two is a reasonable goal to set for complete transition away from caffeinated substances.

The most common culprits for caffeine intake are coffee, tea (excluding herbal teas), sodas, and chocolate, which are not usually issues if enjoyed in moderation. However, when significant amounts are consumed daily, the body is thrown from its natural state of balance within the physiology of its physical and energetic systems.

Contributing factors exacerbated by caffeine addiction as a compounding factor are surface breathing, hormone imbalances, and a lowered immune system. Concentration on these three main areas while weaning off of caffeine can make the transition much smoother for most people. Treatment of a condition is often formulaic, targeting the combination of root stresses responsible for its existence.

Surface breathing is how most people breathe, which is too shallow, and changing breathing patterns requires a conscious effort. It is well worth the discipline to breathe deeply and efficiently because deeper breath oxygenates the blood more completely and facilitates the removal of toxins from the blood stream. Increased oxygenation is a major factor that improves all of the bodily systems, organs, and vital forces necessary for fully functioning holistic health.

Hormone imbalances in the thyroid, pineal and pituitary glands can be contributing factors in fatigue-related issues. The hormones in these glands are easily imbalanced by increased adrenaline in the system, thus their functions are interrupted by continual caffeine consumption. If allowed to continue for long periods of time these imbalances can be completely disruptive to many systems of the body and its energies.

The immune system can be strengthened by the above mentioned breathing exercises to help with the elimination of toxins, however, when the immune system has been suppressed for long periods of time it is necessary to take purifying and immune-enhancing substances to bring the body back into harmonious balance. Getting proper rest, enough vitamins and minerals, and drinking enough water are the cornerstones of restoring the body to health, in addition to taking herbal extracts that have tonic actions on specific systems.

While herbal extracts are a part of maintaining a healthy lifestyle within alternative medicine, they should never be used to the exclusion of qualified care from a licensed physician. Both modalities are important for balance and seeking out a physician that is open to alternative therapies is worth the effort it takes to find one.